Sport Pilot Reference and Reading Material
The easiest and most cost effective way to study for the Sport Pilot written test is to purchase a
ground school package such as available from Dauntless http://www.dauntless- or from Gleim Sport Pilot Kit with Online Ground School
The Dauntless ground school is an application for PC or Ipad - the sport pilot package is less than
$50 and includes the WSC questions so is highly recommended for trike students.
The Gleim kit has more basic on-line training as compared to Daunltess and does not have the WSC
questions but includes:-
Flight Bag
Flight Computer
FAA Test Prep Online-Sport Pilot
On-line Communication Course
Gleim On-line Ground School for Sport Pilots
Sport Pilot Handbook
Sport Pilot Flight Manoeuvres and Practical Test Prep book
Sport Pilot FAA Knowledge Test Book
Sport Pilot Syllabus Book
Sport Pilot Training Record Book
Not included in either and required for Weight Shift Control is the FAA publication
FAA-H-8083-5 - Weight Shift Control Flying Handbook - this is a free PDF download but can also be
bought on-line. If buying on-line be sure to get the full size color copy, you’ll see cheaper versions but
they can be black and white and a waste of money - recommend the pilot store
It also important to read and understand your aircraft operating manual - the manuals are normally
available on-line
Other items can also be purchased at pilot stores such as Sporty’s Pilot Shop or
Also not in the Gleim package is a VFR (Visual Flight Rules) Sectional Chart - the chart is required for
cross country flying and provides major ground reference features, airspace, airports and ground
elevations - Training is from Jackson County Airport which is on the Atlanta Chart
If you have a tablet or smart phone Sectional Charts and accompanying flight planning software can
be downloaded from Garman or Foreflight. Both offer a free trial download after that a yearly
subscription is required.
There is also a free application AVARE for Android which works quite well
By planning trial cross countries the Apps are a fun way to learn the about Sectional Charts Airspace,
Airports and cross country planning.
You should also register (it’s free!) with the FAA web site it contains a
wealth of information required for safe flying including:- Weather, Notams, Airport information,
Briefings and allows flight plans to be filed and activated/closed with Flight Services.